July 2024

Dear Supporters,

Greetings in Jesus’ lovely name! It’s always with boundless joy that we come to you each month via this newsletter. July was a fruitful month, and we thank the Lord for the open doors He provided us.

We started out the month traveling to Austin, Texas to preach all day Sunday, July 7th, for Brother Kevin Alexander and the Open Door Baptist Church. We had good services and sweet fellowship with Brother Kevin and his people, and we enjoyed the presence of the Lord in our midst.

The very next day we started with Brother Kenneth Jackson and the Dyersdale Baptist Church in Coldspring, Texas taking part in their annual camp meeting. We had to contend with Hurricane Beryl and the power outages that it caused but Brother Kenneth forged ahead. The crowds were down a little bit, but we enjoyed a sweet spirit in the services with powerful singing and preaching along with great fellowship among those who attended.

After leaving Coldspring we travelled to Rusk, Texas to preach a revival meeting for Brother Rodney McDuff and the sweet folk of the Eastside Baptist Church. We shared the pulpit with Brother Tony Monk and enjoyed music from the group Living Proof from Jacksonville, Texas. What a blessed time we had, and we also saw one soul saved during the meeting!

Upon the conclusion of the meeting in Rusk, we travelled just a little way down the road to Henderson, Texas. I preached a weekend meeting for Brother Luke Martinez and the friendly people of the West Main Baptist Church. We enjoyed the warm spirit of the people and had many visitors from other area churches as well.

The next week we didn’t travel far going on to Canton, Texas to be a part of the East Texas Baptist Camp meeting. Brother Dennis Erwin and his family are the gracious hosts of this meeting, and we enjoyed the tremendous singing, the powerful preaching, and the wonderful fellowship of so many of our friends that attended this meeting.

We closed the month out traveling to Wisconsin, preaching a revival meeting for Brother Scott Kennedy and the Gospel Light Baptist Church in Fall Creek, Wisconsin. We had a good meeting there with those precious saints, and the Lord graced us with His presence each night.

In closing, Joni and I would like to thank you for your faithful prayer and financial support! We know we wouldn’t be able to do what we do without your partnership in this calling. May the Lord bless you and return kindness to you fourfold!

In Christ

Brother Mark Thrift