April 2024

Dearly Beloved Supporters,
Greetings to you all in Jesus’ lovely name! It is always a joy to come to you via this letter to inform you of our travels and thank you for your participation in our ministry. We love every one of you and we are grateful for the part you have in this ministry. This letter will be a little longer than my usual report and you will understand when you read the last paragraph.
April was another busy month, but we are not complaining. We are thankful for the doors the Lord opens for us, and we endeavor to be faithful with every opportunity. We started out the month in Creston, North Carolina preaching a missions’ conference for Brother Curtis Presnell and the sweet folk of the Riverview Missionary Baptist Church. We had a precious time with these believers and enjoyed the sweet fellowship. This church has a burden for missions, and they responded accordingly to the messages.
From Creston, North Carolina we travelled back to our home church in Houston, Texas for our annual Missions Conference. This was our 53rd annual conference and the first we have had in three years due to our property relocation and construction. We had a tremendous conference and received the largest faith promise offering in the history of our church. I commend our people for their faith and obedience.
The very next Sunday Joni and I travelled to Carriere, Mississippi to preach for Brother Cody Ladner and the precious people of the Lee’s Chapel Baptist Church #1. We always enjoy
worshipping with these believers and this Sunday was no different, they love the peaching of the Word of God, and they always respond in kind.
The next week found us in Arcola, Texas, south of Houston, preaching for Brother Gary Brittain and the faithful people of the Calvary Baptist Church. What a missions’ conference we had, the members were faithful in their attendance and obedient in their giving. They saw a 25% jump in their faith promise offering and are looking forward to taking on more missionaries.
We closed out the month in Ripley, Mississippi with Brother Ronnie Barefield and the friendly folk of the Unity Baptist Church. What God has done in this church for the cause of the Great
Commission is no less than a miracle. We had a tremendous conference, there were great missionary presentations, great music, and tremendous fellowship. The church was full each night and they gave a large offering in cash and faith promises that reflects the burden that Brother Ronnie and his people have for getting the gospel around the world.
In closing, allow me to thank you for your faithful prayers and financial support. Joni and I are keenly aware of the part you play in this ministry, and we are profoundly grateful. I need to inform you that on April 30th I had surgery for the removal of a large polyp that they found in my colon during a regular checkup. They had to remove eight inches of my colon to ensure that they got it all. Thankfully, there was no cancer, and I am at home recovering even as I write this letter. I have had to cancel a month of meetings to make sure that when I do return, I will be at full strength. Joni and I would appreciate your prayers during this time, and we are grateful for the way the Lord has used His people to supply our needs, May the Lord bless you, we love you!
Brother Mark Thrift