August-September 2024

Dear Supporters,
Greetings to all of you in the lovely name of Jesus! Due to our schedule and time restraints, this report will cover two months instead of one. I will do my best not to allow this to happen again as it
is always my intention to put a letter out each month. Below is our report for August and September.
We started out August in Highland, Arkansas participating in the Annual Bible Conference with Brother Mike Stanley and the Friendship Baptist Church. What a tremendous time this was as
many pastors and their families attended for a time of encouragement and fellowship. The Lord met with us in a wonderful way and many hearts were blessed.
From Highland, Arkansas we travelled to Pontotoc, Mississippi to preach for Brother Steve Parrish and the sweet folk of the Greatest Mission Baptist Church. This is an annual meeting, and it is
always a blessed time of worship and fellowship with brother Steve and his people.
The following weekend we travelled to the Shady Grove Missionary Baptist Church in Batesville, Mississippi where Brother Tim McMillian is the pastor. This was our first time to be with this church, we enjoyed meeting the people and were blessed by their sweet and receptive spirits.
The next week found us in Converse, South Carolina with Brother Mike Davis and the Converse Baptist Church. This was our second time to be with Brother Mike and we enjoyed the opportunity
to minister the Word of God to his people.
We closed out the month of August by attending and preaching in the Wall of Grace Conference. Brother Fred Morris is the director of this great ministry. We enjoyed the wonderful singing,
preaching, and fellowship that this meeting always provides, what a blessed time was had by all
that attended.
On a special note, the Wednesday after the Wall of Grace meeting I was invited to preach for Brother Allen Gullick and his precious people there at the River Hill Baptist Church in Fulton,
Mississippi. What a blessed time we had!

In the beginning of September, we found ourselves in Bath Springs, Tennessee preaching a revival meeting for Brother Rob Ellard and the Bath Springs Missionary Baptist Church. This was our first time to be there, and we were blessed by the kindness and generosity of these people. They were receptive to the Word of God and responded accordingly.
Upon leaving Tennessee we travelled to Edgewood, Texas to take part in the Annual Missions Conference of the New Beginnings Baptist Church where Brother Brian Easley is the Pastor. We
enjoyed preaching and meeting many new missionaries and their families. This is always a wonderful time of focusing on the Great Commission and getting the gospel around the world.
The next week found us in Buffalo, Texas with Brother John Murray, and the good folk of the Flo Community Baptist Church. I have preached at this church many times over the years, and they
are like family to us. Brother John was sent out of our church years ago and it is always a special time to renew our fellowship with him, his family, and his people.
After leaving Buffalo we had a special treat to travel to beautiful Kerrville, Texas to preach a revival meeting for Brother Cody Samford and the Victory Baptist Church, what a blessed time of worship and fellowship we had. The Lord blessed us with his presence and there was a good response in every service.
We closed out the month travelling to Johnson City, Tennessee to preach for Brother John Herdman and the Buffalo Ridge Baptist Church in Gray, Tennessee. This is the oldest Baptist
church in the state of Tennessee. Each year they take a month to focus on missions and each Sunday of that month they invite a different speaker, I was the final speaker for the month. I
preached three times, and the people responded with a tremendous Faith Promise offering to increase their mission’s outreach.

In closing, Joni and I want to thank you for your faithful prayer and financial support for this ministry. We know that we cannot do what the Lord has called us to do without your partnership,
sincerely we thank you. May the Lord bless you all is our prayer!
Brother Mark Thrift