September – October 2023

Dear Supporters, 

Greetings to you in Jesus’ lovely name! I am sending this prayer letter covering two months instead of one due to time constraints, this one will include October’s events along with September’s. 

We started out the month of September preaching a revival meeting for Brother John Murray and the faithful believers of the Flo Community Baptist Church. The Lord met with us each service and we thank the Lord for the hearts that were touched during the week because of His manifested presence.  

From there we travelled to Edgewood, Texas to take part in the annual “Great Commission Camp Meeting” at the New Beginnings Baptist Church where Brother Brian Easley is the Pastor. There is always many missionaries and their families that attend this meeting, the Great Commission is the emphasis and each year their faith is deepened, and their reach lengthened in getting the gospel around the world. What a blessed time we had! 

After the conclusion of the meeting there we travelled back home to the Houston area and spent the next Sunday in our home church. Just this summer we concluded construction on our new church building in Kingwood, Texas, just north of Houston, and moved into it. Brother Wesley asked me to preach on that Sunday morning and I enjoyed ministering to our people and spending some time at home. 

On the following day, Monday morning, I left for the “Come Before Winter” mission trip out West visiting church planters in Utah, Idaho, and Montana. Brother Steve Parrish and the Greatest Mission Baptist Church in Pontotoc, Mississippi started this ministry a few years ago and my heart was stirred to see the encouragement on the faces of these church planters and their families as we shared a meal with them and left them a sizable love offering for the winter. Brother Steve and I were asked to preach at the Mt. Logan Baptist Church in North Logan, Utah. 

We closed out the month of September and started the month of October with another mission trip to Puerto Rico, I had the privilege to preach a missions’ conference for Brother Rosendo Arvizu and the sweet folk of the Iglesia Bautista Hermanos Unidos. What a blessed time it was preaching missions to these people and visiting with Missionary Kaleb Gutierrez and his family. The church took a bold step forward in giving to get the gospel out to the world.  

After returning home from Puerto Rico I travelled to Pontotoc, Mississippi to preach the opening services for the mission’s conference of the Charity Baptist Church and their Pastor, Brother Kevin Merritt. There was a great spirit of anticipation among the people for their missionary involvement and commitment to fulfill the Great Commission, they responded in kind. 

Upon the conclusion of my part in the conference in Pontotoc, Mississippi I travelled to Lincoln, Arkansas where I preached in the annual Camp Meeting for Brother David Isaacs and the sweet people of the Washington County Baptist church. What a blessed time we had preaching to and fellowshipping with these dear saints, everyone was edified and encouraged for the days ahead. 

The next week I found myself preaching in two separate meetings. I preached first for Brother Bobby Lemmon in the annual Scripture Conference of the Bible, Literature, and Missionary Foundation in Shelbyville, Tennessee, then I travelled to Sellersburg, Indiana and preached in the annual Camp Meeting for Brother Rob Pelky and the Mt. Ziion Baptist Church. Both opportunities were blessed with tremendous fellowship and Christ honoring services.  

The next week Joni joined me in Westville, Oklahoma where we were honored to serve in a Revival meeting for Brother BJ Craig and the precious saints of the Cornerstone Baptist Church. This church was truly longing for revival and there was a great response to the Word of God on the part of those that attended. 

We closed the month out preaching for Brother Ronnie Mutina who is the Pastor of the Liberty Chapel Baptist Church in Carthage, Texas. The Lord has been moving in this church and there are many young people that are getting involved. I used to Pastor there many years ago and Joni and I were glad to be able to renew our fellowship with some of the members of the church I pastored. 

In closing, allow me to thank each of you for your prayers and financial participation in this ministry. We know that you pray for us and knowing that is an encouragement beyond description. Allow me to extend to you all our hopes that you and your families have a Blessed Thanksgiving! 

Brother Mark & Sister Joni Thrift